Comic books

TheBritishAreComing What's your super hero name? Comic books TheBritishAreComing BerkaDerka HodorLebowski BubblesAndSuch CowsGoMooALot
umbrena Anyone got any good recommendations for a webcomic? Comic books BubblesAndSuch fred0ne Jax101
umbrena Who is your favourite super hero and why? Comic books fred0ne ahmed92 dogsarethebest
FrogginBullfish Send Thanos Infinity War memes. Kthx Comic books toinanbe
Jax101 What are some online web comics that you keep up with? Comic books ImTheWalrus kaminaljuyu AdmVonSchneider fred0ne thekamikazekid
blackjackrobo Which do you guys prefer? marvel or DC? Comic books Kisi fred0ne Tophatcrows Phalcone42 TheSire
chickenlordbawk What have you enjoyed about Sosa so far? Comic books 101KushUps Thilarim cyanm slimySumoCow thederpypug
TheBritishAreComing If you could be any animal with any super power what would you be and what... Comic books BookGoblinz MrWobbly Anonymous thederpypug cyanm
TheBritishAreComing What would your super hero name be? Comic books cyanm Anonymous thederpypug ICouldBeCatWoman Atomic15
scoobyploos Are there any anime that are better than the manga? Comic books Syris qais SaveTheKupo Anonymous sbury
JerkenHoff Anybody wanna discuss/recommend any graphic novels to each other? Seems this... Comic books krynny Wordofguy PixieVixie YouHaveItAllWrong Anonymous
YouBastardsTookAllTheGoodNames One Punch Man, who else is in love with that show? Comic books twistedfox123 OneAndOnly2G laughatallthethings GreenIsGo raviolli77
Skopps has anyone seen the trailer for the new Preacher tv show and if so what did... Comic books Carlos1815 WhyAmIMakingThisAccountOhYesThatsWhy ASHCROFTYAY
Thatoneguyfromthatonemovie What comic(s) are you reading now? Comic books wheretheresawilltheresaway YouBastardsTookAllTheGoodNames Vronnyka ramo05 WhyAmIMakingThisAccountOhYesThatsWhy
bicycleday66 Ive only just caught up with Saga and I need something to fill the void Comic books bicycleday66 Schwabot thecanadianwader ConsumerOfStories
QuestionofLifetheUniverseandEverything Since it's not quite possible to buy comics where I live. Any advice where... Comic books baconandeggs Tophatcrows PaulFranksMonkey ConsumerOfStories
pennylanedc Marvel comics or DC comics? Comic books ForgottenAzreal baconandeggs ChaotikWulf sirenx8 TheSkeptic
TheBritishAreComing If Wolverine can heal almost instantly, why has he got a belly button? Comic books JohnCheese superjenjen baconandeggs
Anonymous Can a light saber cut through adamantium? Comic books baconandeggs Fayte TheMadSupremacy
swaghettiyolonaise What's the worst superpower? Comic books VernardUlrich Vronnyka Schwabot baconandeggs imyourzer0
Anonymous Do you think the Avengers take bets on how big the Hulk's penis is? Comic books VernardUlrich singast ForgottenAzreal TheBritishAreComing rhetoricalsarvasm
ChaotikWulf Who was your favorite evil ex and why? (Yes, Scott Pilgrim) Comic books AnAngryPacifist Mrtinywolf Owlgirl08 SinistralPrincess odelay321
TheBritishAreComing Who's faster The Flash or Sonic? Comic books asgaardianAxegrinder imyourzer0 jewelz996 imortalmax gothnerd
PaulFranksMonkey What do you consider the "line" between a comic book and a graphic novel? Comic books TheSkeptic Laurelespp RaskolnikovsAxe RoswellM Aquilarden
ConsumerOfStories Marvel's rebooting their universe this year. Are there any characters you'd... Comic books Phalcone42 TheBritishAreComing